The Services
As we iterate on our framework, we have started to offer it in our services as the base for custom data analysis solutions aimed at decision support in organizations, with results adapted to specific business contexts.
Our services, similarly as the framework, are focused on flexibility. We create end-to-end solutions based on our framework and its domain libraries, with addition of analysis and visualization templates that are created to meet specific customer’s goals, requirements and preferences. The result solution processes customer’s data, using selected algorithms and models (internal or external), and produces results adjusted to organizational structure (e.g. with views for different roles or teams). Flexibility applies not only to business requirements, but also to technical ones- the solution can be fully integrated with internal production workflows (private scenario), hosted in a cloud (also using our portal and services), or deployed as a hybrid solution (e.g. with cloud as fronted or for computationally heavy analysis tasks).
The diagram below presents a basic processing workflow of a custom solution based on our framework (please also check our intro video):
This is obviously a high-level example, that can be adapted to different requirements, including security, privacy or reliability. The list below includes sample scenarios we have been implementing:
- Painting a big picture from multiple streams of time oriented data (of different types)
- Generating historical profiles per users, products, systems, locations, events, etc.
- Conducting analysis in the scope of individuals, subsets, hierarchies or populations
- Building predictive models, also through integration with external analysis solutions
- Producing customized visualizations with analysis artifacts adjusted to scenario/domain
- Adapting results to organizational context, with multiple roles and personalized views
We see working with each customer as building a relationship that starts with delivering useful results quickly, and then moves to long-term iterative cooperation based on continuous feedback and adaptation to changing requirements. These are the high-level steps we usually follow:
- Start with a conversation about your problems, needs, preferences and expectations
- Work with a sample of your data to get insight and determine priorities and requirements
- Create a working prototype of the solution based on our framework and processing your data
- Review the results from the prototype and choose a model for our cooperation
- Create a plan covering short- and long-term goals, with multiple releases and deliverables
- Release first version of the solution, based on the prototype, and deploy it to production
- Work on next versions based on your feedback, metrics and changes in requirements
We are open to different cooperation models and we are always interested in trying new scenarios, types of data or application domains, as these give us opportunities to verify features of our framework and to help with prioritization of our development tasks.
Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about our framework and services.